Monday, March 22, 2010

Good Morning Sunshine

Very few things can make Mama smile first thing in the morning...

Before I've chugged down at least half a pot of coffee, read the blogs and watched half an hour of CNN...

But this can...


Anonymous said...

aww mashallah mashallah mashallah. such a blessing to see your child smile so sweetly and innocently!

Scarehaircare said...

Oh my heavens, look at those cheeks! Just begging to be kissed and cuddled. Lucky you!

The Sanchez Family said...

I can see how and why this would make your day a little brighter! What a sweetheart!

Lisa said...

Awww, look at him! Such a handsome boy! No wonder he makes his mama smile :)

Carrie said...

Oh my goodness--what a cutie!! And I love all of his hair! Really, what a doll! I would be smiling in the morning too!

Sweet Escape said...

Mahshallah he's such a cutie pie!

Wafa said...

oh my god, he is so sweet. A big smile was on my face seeing his pictures. You are a lucky moma :)

Nuraan said...

aww! reminds me of my sis :) Down Syndrome kids are SUPER cute..!

The Sole Sisters Collective said...

What a swwet smile. You are so blessed Stephanie, I love waking up to the different kinds of sunshine in my life as well.

Kelly said...

Of course it can.....he is SUNSHINE:)